You know the old saying, “April showers bring May flowers?” Well, we’ve had April showers AND May showers, and all they bring is mud, mud, and more mud. Especially nasty chicken-poo mud. The chicken enclosure has flooded so many times in the past few weeks. It’s disgusting.
May has been full of ups and downs so far, both weather-wise and life-wise. I’m desperately trying to find the mental energy to finish up on The A-Zs of Worldbuilding workbook (Want a chance for an ARC in a month or so? Sign up for my newsletter to get all the news early!), but between job & health drama for Mr. Loper, some family drama for me (my grandmother had a minor heart attack at the end of March, which she thankfully survived but it means lifestyle changes for her, and that means extra strain on my mom which comes roundabout to me a bit), and some animal drama (which will be a bit more detailed below).
Weather-wise, Oklahoma is well into springtime. We’ve not had quite as many tornadic storms as we usually do in my part of the state, but I’m thankful for that. Although a friend did have a two tornadoes touch down a mile past her house not once but twice in an evening.
Fortunately, none of the hail chances they’ve predicted have come to fruition either. Softball sized hail would not have been fun to deal with.
There have been some sad happenings, though. We had to say goodbye to Henrietta this month. (Yes, our hen that went broody last summer.)
I’m still not completely sure what the problem was or how it started, but suffice it to say an issue that we thought was bumblefoot (which we have dealt with quite a bit in the past, especially when there’s a lot of moisture on the ground during warm seasons) ended up being far more complicated. There was exposed bone and just nastiness by the time it was all finished, and so I had to make the decision, for my sanity and for Henrietta’s suffering, to end things.
She was able to spend her last afternoon outside, between rounds of storms that week, and get in a nice, long dustbath. If there was anything Henrietta loved with a passion, it was dustbathing.
Moving on to happier things…
Have you heard of the Home Grown Food Summit?
If you haven’t, you have no idea what you’ve been missing out on for the past few years.

I don’t even remember how I first heard of the Home Grown Food Summit. But at some point, I did, and it was for the first one Marjory Wildcraft ever held. This is the 3rd annual summit, and I can’t tell you how excited I am for it!
My one tip? Be prepared to take notes. Sitting through the seminars, even just 1 or 2 each day, I come away with pages and pages of notes. It’s an amazing experience. And don’t feel you have to sit through every video. Choose what you need based on what your interests. Be prepared for brain overload, but also for tons of encouragement!
Oh, and I guess I should mention that I turned 32 yesterday. It was a good day, and a much-needed quiet one. No big parties this year. They require too much energy for this introvert right now.
June 1, 2017 - 2:54 pm ·Happy belated birthday! Quiet is good. A little less drama is even better. 🙂
I’m sorry about Henrietta but you gave her the best life you could.
re: Marjory Wildcraft
I met Marjory at the Mother Earth News Conference. She was a great speaker and very inspiring.