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The A-Zs of Worldbuilding, Rebekah Loper

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Author: Rebekah Loper
Publisher: Fantasia Hearth Press
Cover Image: Footage Firm, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0692850558
Length: 252 pages
Dimensions: 8 1/2″ x 11″

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About the Book:

Worldbuilding is the ultimate act of creation for speculative fiction writers, but how exactly do you worldbuild? You ask ‘what if’ and use each answer as a springboard to more questions and answers about your fictional world.

In The A-Zs of Worldbuilding, that ‘what if’ process is broken down into 26 themed chapters, covering topics ranging from architecture to zoology. Each chapter includes a corresponding set of guided exercises to help you find the ‘what if’ questions relevant to your story’s world.

Fair warning, though: worldbuilding is addictive. Once you get started, you might never put your pen down again.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to view a sample of the book.

What People are Saying:

This book is a fantastic tool for writers of fantasy and science fiction who have to build their worlds from nothing. However, I soon realized that this is also useful for those of us whose fiction is set in the present day US, as well. It is a comprehensive guide to setting, including aspects many of us don’t think about until we are in the middle of a story and get lost.  Even if we are not creating the world from scratch, we still need to be mindful of how the various aspects of geography, society, and culture affect our characters and their lives.

The book has 26 chapters, one for each letter of the alphabet. The topic is discussed and thought provoking questions are asked. Sources of inspiration are also given. Each chapter concludes with exercises that can be used to flesh out the topic for the reading author’s work. The chapters do not have to be read and practiced in the order written, but the reading author can jump around to what sections are needed easily.

I definitely recommend this book to any fiction author. ~ source

Christine of #AmReading Book Reviews

I love this book. With printable access to extra worksheets, you can write out your exercises in this book without fear of running out of space or changing your mind. Rebekah brought together various aspects of worldbuilding with questions I’ve never even considered for my own worlds such as birth/death rituals, how architecture affects and is affected by the world and climate, vegetation, and the science/religion/magic conundrum. ~ Goodreads Review

Robin Stambaugh

The A-Zs of Worldbuilding is a very well written and comprehensive book. It’s informative and has a strong author voice. And, because of the subject matter, it even covers the importance of diversity. I would recommend it to any writer who is building a world from scratch, and also to those who are writing a story using a setting with which they are not very familiar. ~ Goodreads review

J. Dorner

[flipbook pdf=”http://rebekahloper.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/A-Zs-of-Worldbuilding-Sample.pdf” title=”Sample of The A-Zs of Worldbuilding: Building a Fictional World From Scratch” header=”Collating pages…”]