Beatitudes & Woes: A Speculative Fiction Anthology

Explore the Beatitudes and Woes of the Bible through the stories of 13 Christian authors in this uniquely powerful anthology!

“THE PATH OF MERCY” by Rebekah Loper ∞ Rillaph, facing the demand that her family provide a sacrifice to the mountain gods, has to chose between betraying the man she loves or the Rishka people she owes her life to.

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The A-Zs of Worldbuilding, Vol. 1

Worldbuilding is the ultimate act of creation for speculative fiction writers, but how exactly do you worldbuild? You ask ‘what if’ and use each answer as a springboard to more questions and answers about your fictional world.

Fair warning, though: worldbuilding is addictive. Once you get started, you might never put your pen down again.

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