Drastic circumstances mean taking drastic measures. So Mr. Loper and I will be embarking on the Whole 30 challenge to try and take back our health this spring!
Five posts from five different bloggers on five mostly-different topics that I’ve very much enjoyed.
Keeping backyard chickens is full of adventure – mysterious illnesses, likely clostridium perfringens, gout (yes, chickens can have gout), and the best part – fresh eggs.
I had the opportunity, thanks to the generosity of a friend, to attend the first ever Oklahoma Women Bloggers Mini-Con the last weekend of February. The OKWB Mini-Con took place at Sequoyah State Park in Hulbert, Ok, and was just one night. Their goals were for it to be small, inexpensive, and not difficult to…
I’ve written a surprise final installment for the Evolution of a Writer: The Middle Years series on the Rabid Rainbow Ferret Society blog, dealing with a lot of the doubts and hesitance I’ve been feeling about writing lately. And not just writing fiction, but about blogging. Don’t worry – I’m not giving up either writing…
I won’t deny that I heaved a bit of a sigh when I received Blogging 101’s Day 4 assignment. “Identify your audience.”
So excited to kick off this series at the Rabid Rainbow Ferret Society!
Wow, somehow it is 2016. There’s been… stuff. I’m working on a rant post about the drama of layoffs and unemployment bureaucracy that will probably go up this weekend. Mr. Loper’s feeling a bit depressed and frustrated about not working, and I’m trying not to be panicked about the lack of money that is imminent,…
Source: Black Butler I & II / Kuroshitsuji – Anime Review | Fantasy-Faction