Cats, owls, rats, and various other creatures have appeared in novels and stories as magical companions. You might even slide spirit animals under this definition, for the sake of fantasy worldbuilding.
Cats, owls, rats, and various other creatures have appeared in novels and stories as magical companions. You might even slide spirit animals under this definition, for the sake of fantasy worldbuilding.
With the advance of technology, it’s easy to feel a disconnect from the natural world. In some ways, that can make the natural elements seem more mystical.
Let’s take a few minutes and talk about magical creatures! Just because you have mythological creatures in your story world doesn’t mean that they have to be magical. Additionally, we’ll discuss the concept of magical companion animals in a couple days.
[bctt tweet=”C is for Curses – words are powerful. #atozsofworldbuilding #AtoZChallenge #amwriting #fantasy #worldbuilding” username=”rebekah_loper”] Visiting for the first time? Make sure to read the introduction to the A-Zs of Worldbuilding Magic Systems! The Power of Words Fantasy and mythology is full of examples of different types of curses, and indeed, a world with magic…
[bctt tweet=”B is for Belief – do you believe in magic? #atozsofworldbuilding #AtoZChallenge #amwriting #fantasy #worldbuilding” username=”rebekah_loper”] Visiting for the first time? Make sure to read the introduction to the A-Zs of Worldbuilding Magic Systems! If You Just Believe… There is power in belief. When you know something as Truth, even if it doesn’t resonate…
[bctt tweet=”Magic Systems: A is for Atmosphere. #atozsofworldbuilding #AtoZChallenge #amwriting #fantasy #worldbuilding” username=”rebekah_loper”] Visiting for the first time? Make sure to read the introduction to the A-Zs of Worldbuilding Magic Systems! Magic in the Air If your world doesn’t have some sort of magic in it, it wouldn’t be fantasy, even if it’s subtle and…