Wrapping Up March; Flying Into April – A #WriteMotivation Update

March has flown by like a tornado – chaotic and destructive in so many ways. 

This past weekend… didn’t really lighten up. On Friday night, I found a… pothole. With my car. In a section of construction zone that should have been completely closed, but rather was (mostly) unmarked with no warnings about a trench, no ‘road closed’ signs, and no ‘caution’ signs of any kind.

I fortunately had a witness to the event – my mother-in-law, who was following behind me from the tag agency because she’s buying our ‘spare’ car for her youngest son to use.

Her car wouldn’t have come out as well is mine did from the trench encounter, so I’m grateful that it happened to me instead of her if it had to happen at all.

So Saturday morning, I spent 4 hours at the mechanic’s AGAIN for them to replace the ball joints on my front axle. The drop into the trench also broke the flex valve on the exhaust system, but I have to go to a different mechanic for that because they don’t do exhaust systems at my regular one.

The good news? I can file a tort claim with the city for this, because it happened in a construction zone. I just don’t know how long it’s going to take to get my money back from them. And if I don’t get the money back, I will be suing. Because I don’t have this money.

On the upside, I got to spend some enjoyable time with my in-laws yesterday, and it was good to see them all.


Okay, so March #WriteMotivation:

I’ve finished my Ferret A-Z posts (just waiting for some feedback from the other Ferrets for my final one before I schedule it), and I will have half of my personal A-Z posts written by the end of the day tomorrow.

Other than that, there’s been no progress on my other March goals.

April #WriteMotivation:

  1. Camp NaNoWriMo
    Yes, it’s that time again! Eesh.
    Goal: 40 hours of editing on Catalyst, plus 20,000 new words written.
  2. A-Z Challenge
    N-Z posts written by April 15th.
    Visit at least 5 new blogs each day, and comment on at least 3 new blogs each day.
  3. Pre-write May’s ‘feature’ blog posts, and start planning for June.
  4. Filing cabinet.
    This goal is not coming off my #writemotivation list until I complete it. I am determined.
  5. Read.
    Finish reading Numb by John W. Otte for the CSFF Tour.
    Make progress on The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.
    Read another book, or several…

A note on April…

Since the A-Z Challenge will be taking place Mondays-Saturdays in April, #WriteMotivation & Camp NaNo updates will be posted on Sundays, with the exception of Easter Sunday.

I will also be participating in the April Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour, so at some point in the last half of the month there will be more than one post in a day.

So, I hope everyone else had a much more productive March than I did, and that April goes smoothly!

Recent Comments

  • Patricia Lynne (@plynne_writes)
    March 30, 2014 - 7:23 pm · Reply

    That must have been a monster potholes. YIKES! Where I’m at, the roads are littered with potholes and swatches of dirt from where the pavement just deteriorated because of the winter. Hubby said the other day he his a pothole and it knocked the car out of gear (it’s a manual so it went into neutral.) I seriously hope you get some form of compensation.

    • Rebekah Loper
      March 31, 2014 - 11:14 am · Reply

      It was more like a trench, on a really steep incline out of a parking lot, in a construction zone. It should have been marked as ‘trench’ or ‘exit closed’. I think the only way a vehicle could make it through that spot and not be damaged is if it had really high clearance on 4-wheel drive.

      Our roads are really bad most of the time, but they’re always worse right after winter. We have such extreme temperature swings and such crazy weather it’s hard to keep up with it.

  • LadyJai
    April 1, 2014 - 11:00 am · Reply

    man you sure are busy! <3 Hope it goes well for you on all fronts! I know car issues are a pain in the wallet! I hope something good comes out of that as well! And soon! looking forward to your A to Z posts!

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About Rebekah

Rebekah Loper writes character-driven epic fantasy featuring resilient women in trying and impossible circumstances who just want to save themselves but usually end up saving the world, often while falling in love.
She lives in Tulsa, OK with her husband, dog, two formerly feral cats, a small flock of feathered dragons (...chickens. They're chickens), and an extensive tea collection. When she's not writing, she battles the Oklahoma elements in an effort to create a productive, permaculture urban homestead.