I meant to have an actual review of this book up for Patricia’s release, but… life. Close calls with tornadoes and all that. The week just kind of went down the drain.
Congrats, Patricia! I hope release day has gone well.
With consideration for some of my regular readers, here’s a few things you may want to know about the book before reading it:
It is very loosely inspired by Christian theology. Very loosely, especially with the aspect of angels. Really, the only thing some of the angels have in common with Biblical angels is that they share the same names.
The main character is gay, and this is a NEW Adult story, vs YOUNG Adult, so there’s more mature content, though it’s definitely not overbearing to the whole story.
I’ll have a more detailed review up hopefully in the next week or two. Overall, I enjoyed the story.

Patricia Lynne (@plynne_writes)
March 31, 2015 - 7:46 am ·I think, as the author of this book, I’d have to say dealing with tornados kinda trumps a book review. Just my opinion. 😉 Thanks for squeezing me in.