June 2, 2016

And by that I mean “It’s been a MONTH? HOW?” and “It’s been A MONTH. How did all that happen in a month?” Oh man, where to begin… Well, I guess first off, I should announce that any of you who have linked to me should update your links to rebekahloper.com. Yes, that’s right, I…

May 5, 2016

It’s amazing the interesting things you can find when you just start paying attention and looking for them. Just sayin’. Frances Glessner Lee: How a Late Bloomer’s Deathly Dollhouses Transformed the Forensics Field – Later Bloomer | Debra Eve I found Debra through the last WordPress University ‘class’ I participated in, and had never encountered…

american flag, distress signal, Dear America open letter, never Trump, broken hearted, politics
May 4, 2016

Dear America, Most of you don’t know me. I’ve been told I’m not really supposed to talk about politics on my blog, but sometimes you have to talk about what’s on your heart, no matter what. And it boggles my mind that you don’t know me and can still make my heart shatter. I’m sure…

May 3, 2016

I didn’t mean to drop off the blogging face of the earth after my last post, but life happened (and writing!), but more on that later. Today, we’ve kicked off our next series at the Ferret Blog. You should come check it out! Click the image below to visit the post.

whole 30 challenge
April 15, 2016

(This post contains affiliate links.) The last week and a half have been hard. I keep hoping to see improvement with certain things – especially my energy level – and I’m about to start listening to my instincts (I am an INTJ, after all, and my instincts rarely lead me wrong), and come to the conclusion…

April 12, 2016

Time for another link-fest! God is an Epic Novelist – Interview with Anna Tan I don’t even remember how I connected with Anna. Probably an A-Z Blogging Challenge one year. She’s recently released her a novella (you can read a guest post and a review on my blog), but in this interview she covers a…

oklahoma, tornado, oklahoma weather, march 30 2016
April 9, 2016

We’ve had two very close calls with tornadoes in the last year. Not to mention sporadic earthquakes, wildfires, and the possibility of extreme cold. We are not prepared in the slightest, and we’re going to change that with an emergency kit.

whole 30 challenge
April 4, 2016

This first part of the Whole 30 Challenge has been both the shortest and longest 1 1/2 weeks of married life, I think. (And we’ve been married for eight years, so that’s saying something!) Emotions have been high – hunger does that to you. And we’re not starving by any means (though Mr. Loper might…

Coexist, novella, Anna Tan
April 1, 2016

Please welcome Anna Tan to my blog today! She has recently published a novella, Coexist, and this is one of the first stops for her blog tour to celebrate its release! If you like retold fairy tales, you will like her book.

And if you enjoy reading about the sometimes sticky road of being a Christian fantasy author who doesn’t write strictly-Christian fantasy fiction, you will definitely enjoy her guest post.

About Rebekah

Rebekah Loper writes character-driven epic fantasy featuring resilient women in trying and impossible circumstances who just want to save themselves but usually end up saving the world, often while falling in love.
She lives in Tulsa, OK with her husband, dog, two formerly feral cats, a small flock of feathered dragons (...chickens. They're chickens), and an extensive tea collection. When she's not writing, she battles the Oklahoma elements in an effort to create a productive, permaculture urban homestead.