Really, you didn’t think it was going to be THAT easy to find out, did you? Okay, it’s not actually going to be THAT hard, but this is a blog hop, so click on the A to Z Theme Reveal badge to visit the other blogs in this hop! And keep scrolling down on this post…
*cat toss*
Are any of you actually reading these anymore? *giggle*
My theme for the 2014 A-Z Challenge is…

I’ve talked a lot about my love of worldbuilding, both on this blog and my previous one, but never gone into much detail of HOW I worldbuild. So, that’s changing.
I will have a post up the day before the A-Z challenge starts of how to actually use the A-Zs of Worldbuilding to make your own world. And don’t worry, it won’t be too complicated. I will tell you now, though, that it will have a focus on worldbuilding for speculative fiction. Because that’s what I write.
Thank you all for stopping by, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of you are doing!
March 21, 2014 - 7:39 am ·That sounds like a great theme. I went to a literary festival last weekend where my sister and I and another author did a world building panel. It will be fascinating to see how someone else does it and in such detail – 26 posts, I am in awe. Here’s looking forward to April,
Tasha’s Thinkings
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 9:13 am ·Thanks! Unfortunately, the pre-writing of the posts is not coming along as smoothly as I’d hoped, but I do have all of my topics picked, and at least half of them outlined, which is making it a little easier!
Guilie Castillo
March 21, 2014 - 8:50 am ·Sounds excellent, Rebekah! I don’t write spec-fic, but if I did, I’d have absolutely no clue how to start worldbuilding, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. So kudos to you for producing a how-to guide.
Thanks for joining the reveal and for stopping over at
Quiet Laughter: The Mighty Theme Reveal earlier–much appreciated.
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 9:15 am ·Thanks, Guilie! Hopefully some of the aspects can be used by non-spec fic writers as well, because worldbuilding comes into play with every story to some extent. But I just happen to like building completely new worlds, instead of changing aspects of ours, lol!
MAJK (@Safireblade)
March 21, 2014 - 8:53 am ·I can’t wait. I love discussions on worldbuilding. I’m looking forward to hearing your take on it! Definitely on my visit daily list!
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 9:18 am ·😀 Thanks, Melody!
March 21, 2014 - 8:56 am ·I can’t wait!!! 😀
My first novel I wrote, I had to make an entire world. I think it is ok. But I’m struggling with how to end it. I guess that’s not really relevant to this post LOL oh well, I’m operating on 1 hour sleep and the loss of 16 vials of blood. 🙂
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 9:28 am ·My first novel I wrote (a decade ago), I had to make an entire world too, and I got a bit distracted from WRITING the novel with WORLDBUILDING the novel, lol. And that was when I discovered my new addiction/hobby.
And oh dear! Are you okay? *gives warm blankets and soft pillows*
March 21, 2014 - 9:30 am ·just going through loads of tests trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with me. 😛
That, and worrying about my hubs…who’s been going through some bad pain lately…
M. J. Joachim
March 21, 2014 - 10:20 am ·Worldbuilding is an interesting concept, one that will likely inspire people to make the world a better place. Looking forward to reading your posts.
MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Writing Tips
Effectively Human
Lots of Crochet Stitches
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 2:43 pm ·Thanks, MJ!
Crystal Collier
March 21, 2014 - 10:54 am ·Nice! You found a whole alphabet worth of advice? This I HAVE to see.
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 2:44 pm ·Haha, YES, I do! I’ve been worldbuilding as a hobby for over a decade now, and it’s definitely something I could talk about forever.
Patricia Lynne (@plynne_writes)
March 21, 2014 - 11:31 am ·Oooooo! Fun. Although, that spot on your background is going to really drive me nuts because I’ll be looking at it every day. It looks like a dirty spot on my monitor, but it’s not! *resists urge to scratch it and ruin monitor*
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 2:44 pm ·LOL! I will try and figure out something about the spot.
March 21, 2014 - 11:35 am ·Oh fun! I approve of this, and will be following to see all the posts 🙂 Happy A to Z!
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 2:46 pm ·Thanks! Hope you enjoy it, and Happy A to Z to you as well!
Anna Tan (@natzers)
March 21, 2014 - 11:50 am ·Oh wow. That sounds great! This is something I’ve been trying to work on too (not too successfully yet). Would love your insight!
*cat toss*
anna @ Deeply Shallow
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 2:48 pm ·*giggles* *catches cat*
I would be happy to help you with anything that comes up! My goal is to use the content I come with for A-Z and turn into a sort of workbook eventually. We’ll see how that pans out!
March 21, 2014 - 1:59 pm ·World building is one my favorite things! Looking forward to reading what you do!
Timothy S. Brannan
The Other Side, April Blog Challenge: The A to Z of Witches
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 3:30 pm ·Thanks, Timothy!
Donna B. McNicol [@dbmcnicol]
March 21, 2014 - 3:31 pm ·Hmmm, if your tips are good enough maybe I’ll try some more fantasy writing. 😉 Good luck, will be watching!
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 8:47 pm ·Well, I hope my tips are good! 😉
March 21, 2014 - 3:51 pm ·I’ll be interested to read this, so will add you to my list. 🙂
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 8:52 pm ·Thanks!
S. Katherine Anthony
March 21, 2014 - 6:55 pm ·Awesome idea 😉
I love reading any writing how-tos, and worldbuilding posts are more than welcomed!
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 8:52 pm ·Thank you, hope they are beneficial for you!
Sydney Aaliyah Michelle
March 21, 2014 - 8:19 pm ·Great theme. I am so jealous of fantasy and Sci fi writers who get to build whole entire worlds. I think it would be so much fun. Good luck with A to Z.
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 8:53 pm ·It really IS fun, and honestly, you don’t need to write speculative fic to have fun building a world. You can do it just because, too!
Patricia Lynne (@plynne_writes)
March 21, 2014 - 10:09 pm ·Didn’t I comment on this? Or was it someone else who was doing world building too. I swear it was this one because I commented on your old theme.
Rebekah Loper
March 21, 2014 - 10:20 pm ·You did. I have enough comments on the same post now that WordPress has made two pages for them.
Edit: Which I found the setting for, whee! Now all the comments are on the same page.
March 22, 2014 - 12:40 am ·I thought about doing an info piece about various things I came up with whilst worldbuilding one of the stories I’m also publishing in April, but I thought that might not be of interest to anyone but me.
So I stuck with Random Stuff.
Rebekah Loper
March 22, 2014 - 8:51 am ·Aw, you never know! You might draw some more interest for your story. Also, I’ve found with blogging, it’s best to do something you’re interested in more than what you think interests other people. It’s more enjoyable, and you’re better able to share your enthusiasm.
Best of luck with A-Z!
March 22, 2014 - 4:46 pm ·Maybe next year. ^_^
Sophie Duncan
March 22, 2014 - 2:07 am ·This sounds like a brilliant topic. World building can be a challenge and great fun at the same time, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you have to say. 🙂
Rebekah Loper
March 22, 2014 - 8:52 am ·Thanks, Sophie!
March 22, 2014 - 7:00 am ·This is great! I am a novice writer…really just blogging and local news paper informational articles, but this is awesome. It amazes me how people create a new world, so perhaps I will learn something and expand my own world. Thank you for a great topic!
Rebekah Loper
March 22, 2014 - 8:54 am ·Thanks, Melanie! Novice writer is where we all start, honestly, so just write whatever catches your interest – whether fiction or non-fiction – and you’ll learn which niche you like best. Hope my worldbuilding posts do spark some creativity for you, no matter what kind it is!
March 22, 2014 - 11:27 am ·As I am helping in the A to Z this year I will be passing by a few times during April so am calling in to say Hello . . . . .HELLO . . . . . . . Anyway that’s an interesting A to Z theme indeed; and as the Slightly Eccentric Rob Z Tobor I am already well establish in a rather odd world deep in the darkness of cyberspace.
Interestingly in my world no one can type, OK I cant type or spell but I blame the keyboard, I can do that as its my world and I’m the boss.
Good luck I will be passing again soon. . .
I have not done a reveal although almost everyone knows I am doing the A to Z of Aardvark based nonsense poetry
Rob Z Tobor
Rebekah Loper
March 24, 2014 - 5:36 pm ·Thanks for stopping by, Rob!
March 25, 2014 - 12:32 pm ·Well done on responding to everyone, it does not always happen and folk do not always come back anyway . . . . . But some do……
Shel Harrington
March 23, 2014 - 12:51 pm ·Sounds like a fun project, Rebekah!
Rebekah Loper
March 24, 2014 - 5:37 pm ·Thanks, Shel!
March 23, 2014 - 2:18 pm ·Worldbuilding ! Now, that’s interesting.. Looking forward to read your posts
Rebekah Loper
March 24, 2014 - 5:38 pm ·Thank you, GS!
Yvonne Ventresca
March 24, 2014 - 11:39 am ·Great idea! And I love your theme logo!
Rebekah Loper
March 24, 2014 - 5:39 pm ·Thanks, Yvonne! I had fun making it.
Sharon Himsl
March 24, 2014 - 5:24 pm ·Sounds interesting, Rebekah. A world building lesson would be cool.
Rebekah Loper
March 24, 2014 - 5:39 pm ·Thanks, Sharon! It’ll definitely be more like 26 lessons to choose from, come April! 😉
Tina Downey
March 24, 2014 - 7:35 pm ·Oh, my. I write sci-fi. This will be great! You have chosen well.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
Rebekah Loper
March 29, 2014 - 10:35 am ·Thanks, Tina, I hope it will be helpful for you!
Jemima Pett
March 26, 2014 - 11:52 am ·World-building! Awesome! Looking forward to it 🙂
Blogging from Alpha to Zulu in April
Rebekah Loper
March 29, 2014 - 10:36 am ·Thanks, Jemima!
March 27, 2014 - 6:12 pm ·I’m thinking the first requirement for worldbuilding is to have a great imagination…*sigh* I feel like I’m always thinking…”I wish I’d thought of that!” How is it coming? You ready for April 1st?? Gail
Rebekah Loper
March 29, 2014 - 10:45 am ·Haha, well, I am not lacking in imagination, but I have a lot of “I wish I’d thought of that!” moments, too.
It’s coming slowly but surely. Life keeps throwing me curveballs in the form of car repairs, so that’s been a bit of a distraction to me lately, but I have nearly half of my posts pre-written. My goal is to be at the halfway mark by the end of today!
March 30, 2014 - 5:40 pm ·This sounds intriguing and I can not wait to see what it is.