Finding #writemotivation despite rocky roads…

Well now I just want rocky road ice cream. Oops. 

I’m doing better this week than last. Some people are chipping in to help with some things that we’ve just had to keep putting off – like the car repairs, and a new chicken enclosure, and if we pinch pennies right, we may be able to get the french doors in the dining room, but I’ve got to get some quotes from some contractors about that first, because it requires knocking out a main wall, and I don’t want to do that either cheaply or poorly.

But we will definitely be doing the car repairs and the chicken enclosure. My hope is that we can get some more chickens this summer/fall, and I can start selling eggs next spring. We’ll see!

I am going to have a post up later this week about the good things that have happened this month. They’ve been few and far between, but they HAVE happened, and that’s what I need to keep my focus on.


So, goals:

  1. Finish Ferret A-Z posts.
    Haven’t touched these yet. Gonna work on them tonight, and hopefully finish all of them.
  2. Write all personal A-Z posts.
    Still sitting at 6 complete, but I finished outlining the other 20, so I’m going to try and knock them ALL out this week. Since, you know, there’s only a week left in March. *weeps*
  3. Work on Catalyst revisions a minimum of 6 hours per week.
    This goal is not going to happen. However, Camp NaNo is coming up in April, so there’s still hope…
  4. Work on turning in article for THE AWESOME OPPORTUNITY. If THE AWESOME OPPORTUNITY works out, write two more articles.
    I haven’t heard back from the other party. I emailed the article three weeks ago, and have sent two follow-up emails since. It’s sad that a little question about rights would scare them off, but I’m going to take that to mean I’m better off not writing for them, despite the fact that I would have had a massive amount of exposure from it. *sigh*
  5. Filing cabinet. Seriously.
    I’m going to try and get this done this week. Mainly because there’s stuff in my ‘to be filed’ box that I need to find.
  6. Read.
    I’ve read TWO WHOLE BOOKS this month, and started three more. I’m going to go ahead and call this complete, though. Because I’ve read entire books!
    Completed books are:
    Days of Blood & Starlight (Book 2 of the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series) by Laini Taylor
    Hatshepsut’s Collar (Book 2 of Artifact Hunters) by A.W. Exley
    Books in Progress are:
    Numb by John W. Otte (for the CSFF Blog Tour in April)
    The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
    Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

I hope you all have had an infinitely better past couple of weeks than me.

Recent Comments

  • LadyJai
    March 24, 2014 - 6:06 pm · Reply

    Oh dear. I wish they had responded to you. That’s just low. But, you’re right, you don’t need to waste your time on them. If they can’t have the decency to return your emails, you’re better off without them. Time to find another group. 🙂


  • Anna Tan (@natzers)
    March 24, 2014 - 7:13 pm · Reply

    Glad that things are better!
    I’ve only finished 3 posts for A to Z and working on the 4th… so much for saying I’m going to prewrite everything before April! Hah!

    Ooo… I just finished The Way of Kings (which was awesome) and just bought Seraphina recently.

    Deeply Shallow

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About Rebekah

Rebekah Loper writes character-driven epic fantasy featuring resilient women in trying and impossible circumstances who just want to save themselves but usually end up saving the world, often while falling in love.
She lives in Tulsa, OK with her husband, dog, two formerly feral cats, a small flock of feathered dragons (...chickens. They're chickens), and an extensive tea collection. When she's not writing, she battles the Oklahoma elements in an effort to create a productive, permaculture urban homestead.