I used to write for the Yahoo! Contributor Network, which later became Yahoo! Voices, and is now non-existent altogether. Periodically, posts may appear that are my articles I wrote for YCN, and they will be labeled as “YCN Archives.”
I used to write for the Yahoo! Contributor Network, which later became Yahoo! Voices, and is now non-existent altogether. Periodically, posts may appear that are my articles I wrote for YCN, and they will be labeled as “YCN Archives.”
I’m in the process of cleaning up some things around the ol’ blog. And on the computer. And I found, hiding in a folder, a post that I’d meant to put up this past spring. So this is two things: That post. And a your FYI that things will be getting shaken up around here…
Someday again (soon, hopefully) I will have a post to share that is not simply a link to another blogger, or a link to some of my own writing elsewhere. But I’ve been savoring this mostly blog-free summer, honestly. So in the meantime, enjoy another book review by me over at Fantasy-Faction! Rags & Bones…
I have a post up on the Ferret blog today! It… might be a little rambly. Sorry.
If you like anime, and you like fantasy, you might be interested in this one! Click the link for my full review. Maoyu Mao Yusha – Anime Review | Fantasy-Faction.
My friend/fellow blogger/children’s author/better artist than I will ever be is having (another) doodle contest before his summer blog vacation. You should check it out.
Firstly, it started raining within 10 minutes of my post last night, and it hasn’t really stopped yet. And the entire system still has the tropical-storm-swirl to it, so it just keeps wrapping around and pouring more rain.
Tropical Storm Bill is about to hit us (or his remnants, rather). Fortunately, it looks like we may only get 6-8″ instead of the originally predicted 8-10″ of rain. That’s over the next 24 hours, people. Yes, you read that right.
I have a (long overdue) review up at Fantasy-Faction! Only very minor spoilers. Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman | Fantasy-Faction.
Does anyone else have their blog post composed in their head, but when you actually sit down to write it, everything goes… away? Yeah, me too. I’m still staying kind of on hiatus, got a lot of things tumbling through my brain that I’m trying to sort out. More on that later, after the hiatus….