Well, I’m not going to finish posting this series by the end of the year anymore, but I am going to finish the series! For the introduction and the first song, you can visit “The Old Rugged Cross – My Favorite Hymns.”
Well, I’m not going to finish posting this series by the end of the year anymore, but I am going to finish the series! For the introduction and the first song, you can visit “The Old Rugged Cross – My Favorite Hymns.”
For a while, I’ve contemplated doing a series of my favorite hymns. Hymns have long been some of my favorite worship songs, but they are often under appreciated, especially by some of the younger generations in the church. They have often been lost in the demand for more ‘contemporary’ worship, especially in the last 30…
I… really don’t know what happened to the day, so this post is really late again. Oh well. I don’t know what it is about this song that just… hits me in the feels. Hardcore feels, ya’ll.
I know… it’s a cliché song. The medley with Sing We Now of Christmas is pretty much perfect, though, in my books.
I’ll be honest, I’m wishing for a little bit of light. Literally. It’s been solidly cloudy, foggy, and rainy here for the last three days. I’m over it.
This is probably the craziest song on my favorite list this year. I’m not quite as bad as he sings right at the start, though, with “I left the lights up all year round.” The longest mine have ever stayed up is ahem February-ish? Yes, we’ll go with February-ish.
To me, this song embodies everything that is the anticipation of Christmas.
I am so behind on Writing 101 assignments, but better late than never, right? I’ve been stuck on a few, so at this point I’m just skipping around to ones where I go “Oh. I can do that. I know exactly what to do for that!” So, here is the third assignment. I’ll get to…